
Much appreciation to the editors who gave my poems a home. It means the world. Here, a sampling:


The New Yorker: “Helianthus”
Bennington Review: “My Body Knows Its Limits”
Volt: “Yonder” “Ah, Ersatz” “E, Ellipse”
Laurel Review: “One Way of Looking at It” “Washington Square Park Jesus Returns”

From Vortex Street

American Poetry Review: “My Unborn Child Says to Me” “Galaxy Filament” 
At Length:
“About a House” published as “Gest”
Kenyon Review:
“Specula” “Dive-bomb”
Laurel Review: 
“Else” “OO” 
Literary Imagination:
On The Seawall:
And: Still” 
“Black Apples” “Landing” “Sidewinder” “Vortex Street” 
The Cortland Review:
“I Am” “XX” “Vocal Balance” 

From Vestigial

Barrow Street: “Collectio”Squander” 
Colorado Review: “Aphasia” 
Fence: Radiance” 
Kenyon Review: Alpha Protein”  
Literary Imagination:Unaccounted For” 
Volt: “Lyms of” 
Women’s Studies Quarterly: A Karstic” 

From Unshelter

Colorado Review: “Aphasia” “Series #22 (white)”
Pleaides: “Burrow”
Subtropics: “Border Land”
The Laurel Review: “Eucharist Nervosa”
TriQuarterly: “Charcoal Suite”