
I want to squander you. Headstrong 
into hummocks under rowan
and alder. With lust. after WANDER. Hence
maniac. Right and left
inclose the rear; DESIDERIUM.
So greedy lookes of yong. To be
d. simply. Holy Thistle. Spine and
prickle. The Stuart Queen embroidered In my end
is my beginning.
Rooted not so much
in barren, as in good ground
uncared for: neglected.
Carduus, Carlina, Cardoon, Saltwort, Blessed.
Her head fell out of its wig. A dog
rushed out of her skirts. Liturgical
color of martyrdom. Purple-pink 
inflorescence globe-shaped with florets (disc 
and ray). Tipped with pappus 
of slender bristles. From Greek acanthus, 
and onos: meaning thorny 
plant eaten by donkeys.
injurious. Men compelled to root 
it out within fourteen days (1959). Full 
nere desyrows
. That’s how we feel, a-
part. Tiny tufts carry far by wind or stock or stream.
Jeweled, Golden, Creeping, Field, Star.